Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

This is from a series originally posted on my original blog: Seefahrer Thayer. While I don't recommend it, you can view the original posts here. Because the content had value and useful tips I've decided to repost them here, however, they've since been heavily edited and updated.

Hold on, dedicated readers.

I know you thought you were going to go to beddisappointed, with nothing fun to read for the day.

Well, after the shower I just had, I couldn't leave you without something to brighten your afternoon.

The shower at this hostel is on a 20 second timer. You have to push the button every twenty seconds or the water shuts off. So pretty much the most aggravating thing ever.

I'll take a picture and post it tomorrow morning sometime.

I feel like I could write a whole book just about the bathrooms I've encountered on this trip.